Monday, December 27, 2010

Quite the way to start a new year...

I am currently wishing I could have an easier life, but this life keeps me walking the narrow path that is so important to me. Looks like some time in the beginning of the year I will try the botox thing. It is reversable and will last for a couple of months, so it seems low risk. We got my tumor marker info back recently and my tumor marker jumped another 100 to 339! so, I am changing chemos from Xeloda to Doxil. It is a derivative of Adryomiyacin (sp?). I am supposed to start this week, but cant get a hold of the chemo dept because of vacation hours. I am sure they will be in tomorrow so I can make an appointment. I had that the first time almost 10 years ago. It can affect the heart, so I had a new kind of test, a MUGA. Sounds fun, it isn't too bad. They check my heart by injecting me with a radioactive something and put me by something that looks like an x-ray machine for 10 minutes. Not too invasive. My heart is good right now. That is what has to be watched. This is the last chemo before clinical trials. So then I am into experimental stuff and it is just for the good of science. We will see what happens. I am still finding some alternatives to try...This isn't good news, but it is the story of my health. Luckily, that is not the only story I have.

I went shopping with Merav the other day and we went to a fancy shopping area with Julia, Andy's sister, and Kayla, her daughter. We had a great girls day out shopping. The girls even went to the formal dress department at Macy's and tried on formals. It was too fun! The other day, Merav and I went out with one of her friends and her mom to dinner and a show in sf. See Mr. Yoowho's Holiday online. It was a great show. I usually spend tons of time with Ze'ev but since Merav is growing up, she hasn't had much time for me, so this has been really special. I just got back from spending an hour and 45 minutes with the kids at the downtown library. This time we hit the art and music floor pretty hard. Merav is working on a big 8th grade project, called a Masterworks. She is studying fashion photography. We checked out fiction, comics, music, music books, videos, project books... It was fun. Tonight we are going to continue with the theme for this vacation which is movies and hot chocolate. That is after our dinner of pizza and Caesar salad, made with dressing that has home made olive oil and home grown lemons! The tree is going wild folks! Andy just made the dressing and it has a kick at the back of my throat that comes from the oil. Pretty cool! (Pizza is frozen)

I have been spending a good chunk of time in the office because I have not balanced the check book for a year and we have to apply for aid for school for Ze'ev again. That means knowing what we spent! I have a perverted sense of enjoyment doing this. Putting everything into their categories and then balancing it all out. Then we get to see what we spent over the year and where it went. I do find it calming. It gives us the power to decide what we like, dont like, and how we can have power over our money spending.

Anyhoo... We have been burning most food we have been cooking lately, so I better stop doing this and check the pizzas.

love love

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