Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Yesterday, I saw both my oncologist and acupuncturist and they both welcomed me back to the land of the living.  I have a sick liver that is now functioning, compared to a sick liver that was not functioning at all.  It was all a very happy medical day.
I have been being a vegan, but been told I can eat white, not fatty fish.  So I am hoping to start doing so soon as well as bringing healthy oils back into my diet. Luckily, I am married to mr. healthy oils guy. So we have great options in the house.  Today, I also managed to go out and have lunch with a friend at a cafe.  I managed.  I did have a choking session due to my darned vocal cords not closing and getting some water in my lungs, but when I got home, I was not complete toast.  Out all day... from 9am to about 2:30!  Very exciting.  
We are planning our trip to Puerto Rico with the Dales East and are very excited about it.  Looks like I am no longer on the fast track out of here.  Someone mentioned that I have nine lives, I have to count to see how much I have left.  As it stands, right now I feel like any time I have is all bonus.  This week, I have chemo on Wed and my dad is coming to visit on Thurs through Sun.  We then leave on next Thurs.  Luckily, we have a great house and chicken sitter lined up.  
love love


Denise Wolf said...

Yay, I'm so glad!! You know, I could tell when I saw you that your life force was doing just fine. No way did you seem to be on a fast track anywhere but vacation.

Maybe you were given an extra 9 for a total of 18?

I love you!

Bridget Wynne said...

I'm so glad that the medical news is better! Nine lives is what cats are supposed to have, so does that make you some sort of feline? Maybe a Jewish one, given Denise's suggestion, since the Hebrew letters that spell "chai," the word for life, also serve as the numbers that add up to 18, so in Hebrew the number 18 means life. Hmmmm ...

That's wonderful that you can go to Puerto Rico.


Bridget Wynne said...

I'm so glad that the medical news is better! Nine lives is what cats are supposed to have, so does that make you some sort of feline? Maybe a Jewish one, given Denise's suggestion, since the Hebrew letters that spell "chai," the word for life, also serve as the numbers that add up to 18, so in Hebrew the number 18 means life. Hmmmm ...

That's wonderful that you can go to Puerto Rico.
