Friday, July 29, 2011

Another day

Yesterday was very busy. We had the hospice folks in first thing followed by a stream of visiting friends. Rebecca was awake and smiling through most of it. She would nap between visits and the visits only last 15 to 20 minutes before she closes her eyes and says; "OK, I have to sleep some now."

The hospice folks upped her drug intake and have prescribed all sorts of different pills for different symptomatic relief. Her pain is way down and her breathing sounded less strained in her sleep last night than it has in a while. One of the pills prescribed is a steroid, its primary purpose is to reduce the swelling in her belly and give her some relief there. It will likely have the side effect of giving her a little more energy... maybe we will drive somewhere and look at the view... or something.

Rebecca's car failed smog last week... Rebecca and her trusty steed. Trying to decide if I should try to get it fixed or not. Amazing how charged such a decision about a 25 year old car can be. I keep wandering if there isn't some way I could send Rebecca off on her final journey in the damn thing.


Anonymous said...

Pphhhhfrmp... No the car goest the kids! Mr. Dale. Good try! Love, Mis.Dale

Deborah Jay-Lewin said...

get a roof rack fixed and have her fly through the sky, I'm sure she'd love that :) I doubt they'd bust you for one last journey.... love to you with whatever other dilemmas you might be experiencing..... x Deborah

Deborah Jay-Lewin said...

you could fix a roof rack on and have rebecca fly through the air, seems fitting to me :) love to you all with any other dilemmas you might be experiencing.... x Deborah

Barbara Perry said...

I love that car,its a work of art.If you dont repair it,why not exhibit it? Much love to you all.
Barbara xxxx

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all, tears streaming down... What an amazing blog, the subject so distressing, the words so beautifully written. Please give Rebecca my love and a big hug X Roz

lynne said...

much much love to you all, wish i could come by but i'd never get in. thinking and sending healing thoughts to all of you. sounds like the hospice folks are doing their magic!

Nancy said...

Thinking of you guys-Sending lots of love!

Rebecca S said...

Saddened and moved by this all. Rebecca has seemed to always draw love from people, even upon first meeting her. At least that was true first time I met her. She has a deep glow from within that radiates from her and fills the entire room. Please tell her her architect friend/namesake loves her and hug her and kiss her for me.
Rebecca S