Life continues to be totally surreal, I feel like I'm on drugs or.. something. It amazes me how Rebecca's presence was/is woven into everything I do and how palpable her absence is. I am told that I am grieving... as I am meant to grieve... woohoo... I'm doing it right, apparently. It sucks!
The kids are also up and down. Their days are full of the excitement of the new school year, new social and academic challenges. By bedtime they are physically and emotionally exhausted and we all get together for a cry over how much it sucks that Rebecca isn't with us.
i love you Andy, that's it really... thank you for writing, I've been checking often, I hope it helps you to write.. xxxDeborah
So sad, Andy. I'm glad the 3 of you can cry together, since it'd be even worse if you couldn't. It makes sense that you are miserable. I am thinking about you all and sending my love love
I think of you all every day.
Much love Barbara
Yeah, you're doing it right. Yay.
At the end of my day, I'm crying a little with you guys. Freja mentions you all, including Rebecca, every so often. We miss her, and are thinking of you. Thank you for writing and giving us a window in. Love love.
I'm crying with you, thinking about you guys, sending my love. Thanks for writing so eloquently about your experience, the dislocation and crazy mix of functioning normally and feeling completely broken. Feel my arms around you all.
Love, Denise
You guys are all on our minds too. I'm grateful that you write on this blog as it makes me feel connected. Toby sang a song for Rebecca last night at bed time. He said 'We miss Rebecca, aye. I'm going to sing her a song." It was lovely.
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