Saturday, November 25, 2006

And She's Off...

Rebecca has been given an amazing opportunity to go and visit with an aurik healer who has healed people with much worst conditions than hers. He is in South Africa, she is gone. Rebecca has spoken with this guy several times on the phone and has talked with a friend of the family who had brain and lung cancer and was cured by this healer. Rebecca was given the opportunity to go and work with this guy, so she went. After several hours of back and forth we came to the conclusions that; It would be really hard on the kids if we both disappeared for 2 weeks, it’s really hard for me to leave work at the drop of a hat and I might not be the best support for Rebecca while she’s at healing. We did know that Rebecca should have someone go with her. With another stroke of serendipity Rebecca’s cousin Dina was willing and able to go with Rebecca. Dina is a healer herself and someone who Rebecca has a deep, trusting and loving relationship with. She is the perfect companion for this trip.

It is now Saturday afternoon. Yesterday Rebecca and Dina flew to DC and now, as I write this, they are getting on a plane to South Africa. They’ll be gone for 2 weeks… I pray that this helps!!

I’ll let you know what I hear.


Anonymous said...

Hi, its me, Rebecca, I cannot get my internet to work right now. Something about no domino something or other. I have to go back in 15 minutes. Leo is working on me for 6 hours today. I am tolerating it pretty well. For a while, it felt like chemo...I was pretty pale. I am sure it is going to get like that again, but today has been just a little earth shattering. I have time to work on myself as well. I am really looking at myself and choosing my path. I am really happy and cannot wait to get back to my loving family and community. I look forward to being a stronger more stable human being. Yippie. I have been high for almost 24 hours now!! That includes my first good night's sleep since I have been here.
Norma, THANK YOU!!!
love Rebecca

Anonymous said...

Hey Andy...thanks for the updates. I hope that this healer in South Africa is everything Rebecca is hoping for and more.